November 29, 2024
Version 1.409.0
We've added a maintenance page to CasePortal when updates are being preformed on the application.
November 28, 2024
Version 1.408.1
This release resolved a bug wherein CasePortal was crashing when invalid characters were entered in the filters panel.
November 27, 2024
Version 1.408.0
Users can now filter their downloads by all case libraries, including Adversary Proceedings.
Version 1.407.0
In this release we made the following update:
- The display names of some courts were updated to reflect the current database naming convention
November 26, 2024
Version 1.404.1
This release resolved a bug wherein some dinger hits were visible in the hit history of a given dinger but were not included in the export of that same dinger.
November 22, 2024
Version 1.402.0
Users can now request that a case be added to CasePortal by clicking on the "Request a case" quick action card on the home page:
In addition to the "Request a case", feature the following updates were made in this release:
- Dingers that have been paused will have a paused status and that status has been added to the filters panel
- Users can also search dingers by their unique ID
November 12, 2024
Version 1.397.0
Users can now filter their dingers status: All, Active or Paused:
November 7, 2024
Version 1.396.1
All the user interface elements in CasePortal have been reduced by 20% to conserve space.
November 6, 2024
Version 1.395.0
This release included updates to more accurately categorize courts in the Advanced Court selector specifically for the Opinions library.
November 5, 2024
Version 1.394.0
Certain bulk operations cannot be applied when both active and deleted users are selected, so now when applying bulk actions to a group of users as an Admin, if the users selected are of mixed status, ie active and deleted, a message will display indicating that the intended bulk action cannot be applied.
November 4, 2024
Version 1.393.0
This release included some minor copy and icon updates.
October 31, 2024
Version 1.392.0
This release included the following updates:
- If a Bankruptcy petition contains a disputer creditor, that creditor will be indicated as such
- Minor copy updates to the document request form when a request has previously been submitted
- Bankruptcy courts will now be listed as USBC rather than USDC in the Bankruptcy library
October 29, 2024
Version 1.390.2
This release included some minor copy updates.
October 26, 2024
Version 1.389.0
Case Collections have had an upgrade. In this release, we've made it possible to do the following:
- Save an entire set of search results to a case collection
- Share case collections via email or URL
- Export the cases in a collection to Excel
October 11, 2024
Version 1.386.2
In this release we've made the following updates to case collections:
When a case/s are no longer available in my (or others) collections because of subscription changes add a note to the collection view
Users can view the cases in a collection that's been shared with them in table view + card views
October 9, 2024
Version 1.384.0
In this release we resolved a bug that was causing the docket sheet to display a cancellation message after the complaint was loaded to a case.
September 27, 2024
Version 1.381.1
We've improved the user experience when viewing a case from a Dinger hit history. Users have the option to view a snapshot of the case when the hit came through with relevant data highlighted but can also view the full case details.
September 26, 2024
Version 1.379.1
This release included a minor copy change in the case details view.
September 24, 2024
Version 1.377.0
Users can now exclude full text from any search in the Opinions and Civil Litigation library.
Version 1.376.1
In this release we've added error modals to provide user's with information as to why an action cannot be completed in the following scenarios:
- When bulk unpausing dingers
- When a dinger is unpaused but fails validation due to limits
When a dinger is too big to save (on create or edit)
September 23, 2024
Version 1.375.0
This release included the following updates:
- When an invite has expired, the label was changed from cancel to resend
The invite users modal was updated to include a way to see/copy the registration page URL
August 10, 2024
Version 1.374.0
This release included minor copy updates.
August 23, 2024
Version 1.371.0
This release included minor copy updates.
August 14, 2024
Version 1.366.0
This release resolved a bug that was presenting users with a link to download a complaint when there was no complaint available to download.
August 13, 2024
Version 1.364.1
The table view of bankruptcies was updated include when creditor information will never be made available.
August 2, 2024
Version 1.362.1
This release ensured that firms on Small + Regular tier plans with one or more Bankruptcy report subscription had access to the Adversary Proceedings library in CasePortal.
August 1, 2024
Version 1.362.0
This release introduced the Nationwide Search subscription option to CasePortal. Nationwide Search allows subscribers to search cases from all courts in a given library.
July 31, 2024
CasePortal version 1.357.1
This release resolved a bug that was failing to display the "Created On" date for some cases records in CasePortal.
July 24, 2024
CasePortal version 1.356.0
This release included the following updates:
- A bug was resolved wherein inputted assets and liabilities ranges were not being acknowledged as part of a bankruptcy library search query
- For firms on a Small or Regular pricing plan, dinger activity exports and billing activity exportswill indicate whether a dinger is nationwide or not
July 19, 2024
CasePortal version 1.354.3
This release resolved a bug that was causing Dingers created with the "Include Full Text" option selected to default to that option being deselected. Now when a user has the "Include Full Text" option selected, Dinger hits will include any matches related to the full text of a case.
July 15, 2024
CasePortal version 1.351.4
In this release a button was added to give the user the option to reload the page when the login process appears to be taking longer than it should.
July 12, 2024
CasePortal version 1.351.3
The city of Wexford has been added to the database for office management purposes.
July 11, 2024
CasePortal version 1.351.2
This release included the following updates:
- The city of Pine Brook has been added to the database for office management purposes
- Users can exclude full text when creating Adversary Proceedings dingers
July 4, 2024
CasePortal version 1.349.2
Adversary Proceedings have been moved into their own library in CasePortal. Users can now perform searches on and create Dingers for Adversary Proceedings without first filtering the Civil Litigation library by case type.
In addition to the new library, a bug was fixed that was preventing users with Firm Admin privileges on Small + Regular tier plans from creating new offices within their firm.
July 1, 2024
CasePortal version 1.346.4
Users with Firm Admin privileges on Small + Regular tier plans can now view and search invoices as well as run usage data reports and billing reports.
June 28, 2024
CasePortal version 1.346.2
This release resolved an issue that was causing some of the user's non-US court selections in the Create a Dinger modal to not display.
June 24, 2024
CasePortal version 1.344.0
The Civil Litigation library has been updated to support full text search of any document attached to a civil case. After conducting a civil litigation search, the results will now display a new column: Full Text Matches. When a search query matches the text in a document, this new column will display the number of matches within the case documents and is clickable to view the full text in a modal.
Users also have the option to download a complaint directly from the full text version modal AND exclude full text from any Dinger setup parameters.
CasePortal version 1.341.0
This release resolved an issue that was preventing special characters like &, =, + from displaying correction in CasePortal.
June 18, 2024
CasePortal version 1.342.0
Users can download an Opinion directly from the full text version modal.
June 14, 2024
CasePortal version 1.340.0
This release included the following updates:
- A bug was resolved that was displaying inaccurate information about court coverage in the docket sheet if the user clicked through to the case details from the dinger hit history
- A bug was resolved that caused an error to display if a user tried to click through to recipients when viewing dingers in the "card view"
June 12, 2024
CasePortal version 1.339.0
Only users with administrative status can view the recipients of all Dingers with their firm/office.
June 10, 2024
CasePortal version 1.338.0
This release included the following updates:
- A column has been added to the Dingers Excel export: Last Updated
- Minor copy change when a case has been transferred to a new court
June 7, 2024
CasePortal version 1.337.1
An new default date range has been added to all libraries to make searches more comprehensive: Past 30 years.
June 4, 2024
CasePortal version 1.334.0
In this release, a bug was resolved that was preventing users from selecting an activation date when re-subscribing to a service.
June 3, 2024
CasePortal version 1.332.0
In this release we've updated how court selections appear in Dinger setups. Some examples:
- Selecting Fed from the top of the Advanced Court Selector --> All US Fed will display in the dinger parameters
- Selecting State from the top of the Advanced Court Selector --> All US State will display in the dinger parameters
- Selecting Fed from a particular state at the top of the Advanced Court Selector --> All {Selected State} Fed will display in the dinger parameters
May 31, 2024
CasePortal version 1.330.0
Users can now export their Dinger hit history in the Opinions and Bankruptcy libraries.
May 29, 2024
CasePortal version 1.330.0
This release included the following updates:
- Users with administrative access on a Small or Regular plan can re-activate/re-subscribe to services in the subscriptions tab
- Users with administrative access on a Small or Regular plan can view the expiration date (if applicable) of a given service in the subscriptions tab
May 27, 2024
CasePortal version 1.329.3
A bug was resolved that was preventing the billing cycle information in the office details from displaying.
May 24, 2024
CasePortal version 1.329.2
The bug resolved in the release below persisted and was re-addressed and fixed once more.
May 20, 2024
CasePortal version 1.325.0
In this release a bug was resolved where data related to the previous calendar year was displaying in the tracker activity report.
May 8, 2024
CasePortal version 1.319.4
This release included the following updates:
- The display of dollar amounts was updated to show cents in Bankruptcy claims
- A bug was resolved that was preventing users with administrative privileges from creating a new office
May 2, 2024
CasePortal version 1.316.0
This release resolved a bug that was preventing users with administrative privileges from bulk removing a group of users from a CNS Report.
April 24, 2024
CasePortal version 1.314.0
In this release, the billing reports for document downloads, Dingers and Trackers will now also include the email address of the user who incurred the charge.
April 18, 2024
CasePortal version 1.312.0
This release resolved a bug that was preventing some Admins from deleting user's in their firm.
April 11, 2024
CasePortal version 1.301.1
We updated the CasePortal Terms of Use.
April 9, 2024
CasePortal version 1.300.0
All CasePortal users can view and export the CNS Report coverage details.
CasePortal version 1.299.0
The CasePortal logo has a new look:
April 4, 2024
CasePortal version 1.298.3
This release included the following updates:
- To avoid confusion when making changes to Dingers that are part of a Dinger Group, the notification option, "alert for every match", has been disabled. Dingers can only be a part of a Dinger Group if the notification settings are set to "Alert in a summary" or "Both"
- The text in the notification options when creating a Tracker has been updated for accuracy. What once read "Alert daily in a summary" has been changed to "Alert once in a summary".
March 28, 2024
CasePortal version 1.297.0
This release included a minor update to how document requests function as they relate to Adversary Proceedings.
March 14, 2024
CasePortal version 1.291.2
This release included the following updates:
- Users with administrative privileges can now export a list of recipients of any groups with their firm/office
- The interface for user management within groups has been updated to match the recipient management seen in Dingers, Trackers and Reports
- Users can see a list of all courts covered in CNS Reports from the coverage map
CasePortal version 1.291.0
Users can now see the CNS Report associated with any case records across all CasePortal libraries the case details view. If the court is not covered by an existing report, the line item will read: “Not included in any report.”
March 12, 2024
CasePortal version 1.288.1
Users can now follow a previously submitted document request in CasePortal. If a document request has been made by another user rather than keeping tabs on the case and checking to see if the document has been uploaded, users can now click the "notify me" link in the case details. When the document has been uploaded, any user who has clicked the "notify me" link will receive and email alert.
March 7, 2024
CasePortal version 1.286.0
In order to give users more detailed information about when cases get uploaded to the CasePortal database, all case records will now have a timestamp associated with their "created on" date.
February 28, 2024
CasePortal version 1.281.1
In this release a new section was added to the Activity section of Firm Management: Usage Reports. Users with Firm Admin privileges can now get a snapshot of what users within their firm have been doing on CasePortal in a given time period.
February 27, 2024
CasePortal version 1.280.1
In this release a bug that was displaying irrelevant information to account administrators when they attempted to update office billing information was resolved.
February 22, 2024
CasePortal version 1.279.0
This release resolved a bug that was preventing courts from displaying in the Dinger table view even if a Dinger had specific courts as one of the parameters of the set-up.
February 20, 2024
CasePortal version 1.278.2
This release included the following updates to Dingers:
- When users receive an updated Dinger hit, a message will display in the case details indicating the change that was made to trigger the dinger again
- Users can view the reason as to why a case triggered a Dinger hit in the Dinger Hit history view
February 14, 2024
CasePortal version 1.276.1
Users can now export a full list or filtered list of Trackers to Excel.
February 13, 2024
CasePortal version 1.275.0
Regular and Limited Users can now self-subscribe and unsubscribe from Trackers. A user with administrative privileges is no longer required to make this change.
February 7, 2024
CasePortal version 1.274.0
This release included an update to the information presented to a user with administrative privileges when attempting to delete a user.
CasePortal version 1.273.0
This release resolved a bug that affected the filter by recipient feature when applied to CNS Reports. In addition to the resolution of the aforementioned bug, minor improvements were made to the Coverage Map.
February 6, 2024
CasePortal version 1.271.0
This release included updates to the CasePortal API to improve performance for customers who are leveraging the API to download documents.
January 31, 2024
CasePortal version 1.270.1
This release introduced the interactive CNS Report Coverage Map! Users can click on a state, province, or territory and see a list all the available services within that state/province/territory and its respective courts. Users can also filter CNS Report Coverage list view by report type: Civil Litigation, Bankruptcies, or Judicial Opinions. Lastly Users can export CNS Report Coverage from any list view.
January 30, 2024
CasePortal version 1.269.0
This release included some minor updates to how filtered fields on the dinger card and table views is displayed. Now when a user hasn't specified a court, NOS, plaintiff firm, or defendant firm for their Dinger, the fields will reflect that all will be searched.
January 29, 2024
CasePortal version 1.268.5
This release included an update to how the application returns new docket entries after a user has run an update to the docket sheet of a case record.
January 25, 2024
CasePortal version 1.267.2
This release included the following updates:
- A new tip in the "getting started" section has been added to the Opinions and Civil Litigation library
- The main navigation menu is available on mobile devices
January 23, 2024
CasePortal version 1.266.0
To account for different scenarios that may present when viewing the Docket Sheet we have updated the messaging to be more information and clear.
To learn more about updating the Docket Sheet, please check out this training video.
January 18, 2024
CasePortal version 1.265.0
This release included updates to optimize CasePortal for use on mobile devices.
CasePortal version 1.263.2
To avoid confusion, offices that have been deleted will no longer appear in the dropdown list when inviting new users to CasePortal or moving a user from one office to another.
January 12, 2024
CasePortal version 1.262.2
This release included the following updates:
- Column headers on Dingers, Trackers, and Reports now persist when a user scrolls down the page, keeping users connected with the data within the table view
- A bug that was preventing users with no required billing fields from download documents was resolved
- A link to customer support when there is an issue downloading documents was directing users to the wrong email address. That address has been updated to the correct address.
January 5, 2024
CasePortal version 1.260.0
This release included the following updates:
- A bug that was causing the historic sends of CNS Reports to open in a page that doesn't exist when the case details drawer was open has been resolved
- Documents that do not incur charges because another user within a firm/office has purchased it will not longer require billing reference fields
January 4, 2024
CasePortal version 1.258.0
This release included the following updates:
- To increase screen real estate when scrolling through search results, the search inputs collapse as the user moves down the page in both table and card view
- Users with administrative privileges can bulk delete users and transfer ownership of any Dinger, Tracker or Report they created while active to another user
January 3, 2024
CasePortal version 1.257.0
Users can now select all Natures of Suit when using the NOS Selector during a search.
December 29, 2023
CasePortal version 1.256.0
This release included the following:
- Users can now search Dingers by name or group, Dinger query, or billing reference
- A small bug that only affected users whose permissions had been downgraded to limited user from a higher role. If the user created a dinger and then was downgraded, they were still able to delete the dinger they created even though limited users don't have create/edit/delete privileges
December 28, 2023
CasePortal version 1.255.0
In this release we've optimized the Terms of Use page for mobile devices, providing users who access it from the mobile app or using a mobile browser a better user experience.
December 21, 2023
CasePortal version 1.254.0
This release updated the way CasePortal presents a deleted case when a user has set that case to be tracked. In the tracker list view, the case will still be listed, however it will be greyed out indicating that it is no longer active and will have the label: Case Deleted.
December 20, 2023
CasePortal version 1.253.2
This release resolved a bug that was only exporting billing report data that appeared on screen and not the full data set.
CasePortal version 1.253.1
This release introduced a new section for users with administrative access: Invoices. Users can now simply search invoices by invoice number, date, or office in the Invoices section.
The section previously titled, Billing, has been renamed to Activity and users can run reports on all purchases by type, date range, user, or office.
December 12, 2023
CasePortal version 1.251.1
In this release, we added a note to the case details of a Bankruptcy record wherein creditor information had been received via a document written by hand. This notation is to inform users that the information presented was translated as best as possible given the circumstance.
CasePortal version 1.251.0
In order to improve performance, we made it so that CasePortal cancels a previously executed search when a user does any of the following:
- Clicks search again, prior to a search result being shown
- Navigates away from the search page
- Closes the browser / window
CasePortal version 1.250.2
This release resolved a bug that was causing the user's screen to go blank when attempting to modify a dinger from the card view.
December 11, 2023
CasePortal version 1.250.1
In this release, we added a "run count" column to the Tracker list view, allowing users to see how many times the tracker had been triggered since it was created.
CasePortal version 1.248.1
This release resolved a bug that was causing the send history screen on past CNS Reports to go blank.
December 7, 2023
CasePortal version 1.248.0
This release included the following updates:
- Users with administrative access can now filter invoices by office
- A new column for offices has been added to the invoice history view. This allows users with access to easily sort charges related to each office within the firm
- Users can now download a previously sent CNS Report as a PDF from the send history view
December 4, 2023
CasePortal version 1.246.1
We've added an Nature of Suit picker to the Civil Litigation and Opinions search libraries to allow users the option to quickly add one or many NOS' to their search query.
December 1, 2023
CasePortal version 1.243.0
This release included the following improvements:
- Users can now filter the Trackers list by creator
- Users can reset the date range selections in the Dinger hit history
November 30, 2023
CasePortal version 1.241.1
In this released, we resolved a bug that was causing the office phone number value to be saved as the the billing phone number even if another number was entered.
November 29, 2023
CasePortal version 1.240.1
We've updated the way adversary proceedings appear when viewing them in the send history of a bankruptcy report.
November 28, 2023
CasePortal version 1.240.0
Users with administrative access can now make updates to office billing information in CasePortal.
November 24, 2023
CasePortal version 1.238.1
This release included the following improvement to Invoices:
- Additional columns have been added to the invoice table: Date, Invoice No., Amount, Status, Amount Paid, Amount Remaining
- The invoice date is now displayed in the Invoice History list view
- Users with administrative access can now select and invoice delivery preference: e-mail, print, or both
We also made many more columns sortable in various views of CasePortal. This should provide users with more options when view search results, dingers, reports, and billing.
November 22, 2023
CasePortal version 1.237.0
This release included the following updates and fixes:
- The case details panel is now fully scrollable, not just the bottom section, so that if a case happens to have a very long title, users can still access the rest of the case details and docket sheet
- When editing an office, users with administrative privileges can update the following fields:
Address, Country, State, City, Zip, Pays Pricing Plan?, Pays for all Ad Hoc Charges?
- A bug was resolved that was preventing users from clicking through to the next case in the case details panel
November 21, 2023
CasePortal version 1.236.0
Now when you delete a user who has created a dinger/report/tracker, you are presented with a warning modal and given the option to transfer ownership to another user
November 17, 2023
CasePortal version 1.235.0
Users can now export a filtered list of Dingers. For example, if you chose to see only Dingers created by users in your office, you can export that list to Excel.
November 15, 2023
CasePortal version 1.234.0
In this release we've made a couple updates to administrative functions in CasePortal:
- The ability to un-delete a user from user actions has been re-instated
- If a user has applied filters to their user registry, if they choose to download the list to Excel, the file should only include the filtered list of users
CasePortal version 1.233.0
In this release, we've updated the way the search time line works across all libraries. The default timeframe is "all time", but if a user changes that timeframe to one of the other quick selections, that selection will persist as a search preference.
November 13, 2023
CasePortal version 1.232.0
To avoid confusion, the price for creating dingers will always be shown, even when is $0.
November 9, 2023
CasePortal version 1.230.0
Users can now export the hit history of any dinger into an Excel file.
CasePortal version 1.229.0
This release included some minor aesthetic updates to the user interface.
November 8, 2023
CasePortal version 1.228.2
This release included the following updates:
- Users with Office Admin status can now create Custom Reports
- Files that have been purchased and downloaded and but have since been deleted from CasePortal are clearly indicated in the document download billing report
- We've added a custom date range to the dingers case history hits view
November 6, 2023
CasePortal version 1.225.0
This release included the following updates:
- In the Custom Reports view, we've added a new column: Type. Identifying which library the custom report is associated with can be done at a glance
- We resolved a bug that was allowing Limited Users to download documents when entering CasePortal via a notification email
November 6, 2023
CasePortal version 1.225.0
In this release we updated the search filters in the Civil Litigation and Opinions libraries to include the number associated with a given NOS.
November 2, 2023
CasePortal version 1.224.0
For those with administrative privileges, there is a new section in Billing: Invoice History. All invoices can be searched by date or invoice number and downloaded directly from CasePortal
This release also included the following updates:
- In all the Dingers and Reports list views the column heading was changed from Subscribe? to My Subscriptions to better describe the information below
- The "alert me about updates" option on Dingers is set to yes by default
- A bug was resolved that occurred when bulk moving recipients, only one recipient was moved as opposed to the group
CasePortal version 1.219.1
This release fixed a bug that was preventing documents from being downloaded and dingers from being created when billing reference fields were deleted.
October 26, 2023
CasePortal version 1.218.0
When viewing search results in card view, users can export the results to PDF (as opposed to to Excel when in table view).
CasePortal version 1.217.0
This release included the following updates:
- The court selector has been customized for each library based
- A court dropdown has been added to the tracker billing report
- Dingers can only be created once a new search query has been executed
October 25, 2023
CasePortal version 1.215.1
The custom report court limit was increased to 500.
October 24, 2023
CasePortal version 1.215.0
We've updated the docket sheet when a case is in a state court that supports trackers but doesn't retrieve files when the docket is updated. This allows users to track such case AND also message reporters to request file retrieval.
October 23, 2023
CasePortal version 1.214.0
This release included the following updates:
- The location of the Court of Federal Claims was moved so that it may be located more easily when using the court selector during a search
- An advanced search tip has been added showing an example of targeting the Nature of Suit field in a case record
October 20, 2023
CasePortal version 1.213.1
In this release, we added a limit to the number of courts permitted per custom report so as not to overload recipients' email clients with 1000s of incoming cases.
October 19, 2023
CasePortal version 1.212.0
This release resolved a bug within the new Judge Finder feature (to be released shortly!)
October 16, 2023
CasePortal version 1.211.1
This release resolved a bug with the calendar widget used to define a date range when conducting a search query.
CasePortal version 1.211.0
This release included an update to the add recipients views across dingers/reports/trackers. The total count of available recipients and current recipients is displayed at the top of the list.
October 12, 2023
CasePortal version 1.209.0
Users with Firm Admin privileges can export a list of users from a single office within the firm or firm-wide.
October 10, 2023
CasePortal version 1.208.0
This release included some minor updates to the user interface when viewing dinger list views.
October 6, 2023
CasePortal version 1.206.0
When users export a billing report from CasePortal, all billing reference fields will have their own columns for easier sorting and bookkeeping.
CasePortal version 1.205.0
We have updated the search in all libraries so that when a user switches from table view to card view, the search inputs persist.
October 4, 2023
CasePortal version 1.204.0
Users with Firm Admin privileges can now update the name of and delete a Custom Report.
October 3, 2023
CasePortal version 1.203.0
In this release we updated the default date range for searches in all libraries to be "all time" and reader view has been renamed card view.
October 2, 2023
CasePortal version 1.202.0
Users with administrative privileges can export cases to Excel from any given Custom Report in CasePortal.
September 29, 2023
CasePortal version 1.201.1
This release included the following updates:
- Bankruptcy case records now list the creditors in order by claim type (unsecured, secured, partially secured) and within claim type, from highest to lowest dollar amount
- Users with administrative privileges can now filter the Groups list by user
September 27, 2023
CasePortal version 1.198.2
This release made a minor update to the CNS Reports detail view and users can now opt to be alerted (again) when/if a case is updated when created or modifying a Dinger.
September 25, 2023
CasePortal version 1.197.3
This release resolved an issue wherein clicking a case details link from a CNS Report brought the user to the CasePortal homepage as opposed to the case details.
CasePortal version 1.197.2
This release improved the speed at which cases are checked against a firm's list of trackers ensuring that cases that are already being tracked are shown as such.
September 14, 2023
CasePortal version 1.195.2
This release resolved a bug that was causing docket updates to time out before fetching filings.
September 12, 2023
CasePortal version 1.194.0
This release included the following updates:
- Users can export Opinions and Bankruptcy library search results to Excel
- The filter panel only opens when modifying a Dinger if filters were originally applied to the search parameters
- To avoid confusion, the Exact Match toggle is only available when a targetable field has been entered into the search field
- UI updates to the Dinger panel
September 8, 2023
CasePortal version 1.190.1
This release fixed a bug that was causing an error to be thrown any time a user tried to export a past CNS Report.
September 7, 2023
CasePortal version 1.190.0
Custom Reports are live! Users with firm administrative privileges on the Jumbo plan can create custom reports in each of CasePortal libraries and these reports are available to view for all user roles.
CasePortal version 1.189.0
This release included updates in support of the forthcoming Custom Reports feature.
September 5, 2023
CasePortal version 1.188.0
This release included the following:
- Updates to success messages when adding and removing cases from a collection
- Created on value now displays for Opinion case records
CasePortal version 1.187.0
This release included updates in support of the forthcoming Custom Reports feature.
August 31, 2023
CasePortal version 1.186.1
This release resolved a bug that was a preventing a previously purchased document from re-downloading from the case details view.
August 30, 2023
CasePortal version 1.184.0
Dinger groups are live! Users can now assign dingers to a dinger group, provided the notification option for the dinger is set to summary or both.
August 22, 2023
CasePortal version 1.182.0
In this release, we updated the permissions for bankruptcy downloads for limited users.
August 17, 2023
CasePortal version 1.178.1
This release included the following updates:
- The billing reports, available for users with administrative privileges now includes purchases related to opinions
- The "My Downloads" is now separated by document type: civil litigation, bankruptcy or opinion
August 10, 2023
CasePortal version 1.175.0
We've added tool tips to alert users with limited permissions when an action is disabled due to their role.
CasePortal version 1.173.0
This release resolved a bug wherein resetting the columns of a given table wasn't returning the table to its default state.
CasePortal version 1.172.0
Users can now specify if they want their search query to be for exact matches only by flipping on the Exact Match toggle below the search bar in all libraries.
August 6, 2023
CasePortal version 1.170.1
We've updated the search tips to include examples of a complex query and an exclude in all libraries.
July 27, 2023
CasePortal version 1.168.0
A new column/field has been added to the Civil Litigation search results: Type. This is used to distinguish between traditional civil cases and adversary proceedings.
CasePortal version 1.167.0
This release updated how short code and search suggestions are presented to the user.
July 20, 2023
CasePortal version 1.163.0
Users with administrative privileges can now generate Dinger and Tracker history reports in CasePortal. this feature can be customized by date range, by office, and by user/user group.
July 7, 2023
CasePortal version 1.161.0
This release resolved a bug that was preventing users from updating office info due to how the application was validating phone number format.
July 6, 2023
CasePortal version 1.160.1
CasePortal has a "Product Tour" for users who may be new to the application This can be found on the home page:
July 5, 2023
CasePortal version 1.159.0
This release included the following changes:
- The bulk actions button available on a numbers of views was relocated for ease of use
- The background color was updated from grey to white across the application
CasePortal version 1.158.0
This release resolved a bug that wasn't apparent to users, but was happening behind the scenes when a search with targeted fields was conducted.
June 30, 2023
CasePortal version 1.157.1
This release included the following updates to the Bankruptcy library:
- All instances of "petitioner" have been changed to "debtor" and as such the short code for targeting that field in a search has also been updated
- Users can search for "type" as a targeted field
June 28, 2023
CasePortal version 1.156.0
Dingers now support card view! When viewing your dinger list in any library, you can switch to card view and scroll though all visible dingers and quickly see the details of how that dinger is set up.
June 23, 2023
CasePortal version 1.155.2
This release fixed a typo on the court selector.
June 22, 2023
CasePortal version 1.155.0
A new section has been added to the Reports menu in CasePortal: Coverage. Users can quickly see which courts are covered by which service.
CasePortal version 1.154.0
This release updated how a user downloads a bankruptcy file in CasePortal.
CasePortal version 1.153.0
This release updated the court selection modal. Users can now filter courts by Federal, District and Circuit courts.
June 17, 2023
CasePortal version 1.152.2
This release resolved an issue in the court selection modal that was preventing the user from scrolling down the list.
June 16, 2023
CasePortal version 1.152.0
This release updated the CasePortal experience when on a mobile device.
June 15, 2023
CasePortal version 1.151.0
This release resolved a bug that was causing an error when users attempted to download a previously downloaded docket that had since been deleted.
In addition to the above bug, the office creation form has been updated to include activation information and billing preferences.
June 14, 2023
CasePortal version 1.150.0
This release included a minor copy update to the paper filing request submission view.
June 12, 2023
CasePortal version 1.148.0
Users with administrative privileges can now generate and export a detailed report for their organization’s document purchase history.
June 7, 2023
CasePortal version 1.147.0
This release included the following:
- A new filter has been added to CNS Reports and Custom Reports. Users can now filter both types of reports by whether or not they have recipients
- When a case has been deleted and it was being tracked, or was in a Dinger hit, or included in a report, that case will be highlighted in red
June 5, 2023
CasePortal version 1.145.0
In this release, we added case type to both table and card view.
May 25, 2023
CasePortal version 1.144.1
Users with administrative privileges can filter users within their office/firm by status.
May 25, 2023
CasePortal version 1.143.0
This release resolved a bug that was causing the last updated time to not display on docket sheets.
In addition, docket sheet updates are now listed from newest to oldest
May 24, 2023
CasePortal version 1.142.0
This release included improvements to CasePortal making it more optimized for mobile devices.
CasePortal version 1.141.0
This updated included an update to the court selection screen.
May 19, 2023
CasePortal version 1.140.0
This release included the following:
- Additional case details now display in the card view of search results in all libraries
- Users can easily clear applied filters using the "Clear Filters" button
May 16, 2023
CasePortal version 1.139.0
This release included the following:
- Updates to the appearance of the docket sheet and manual request form for paper filing cases
- Updates to columns in the Bankruptcy search results
May 11, 2023
CasePortal version 1.138.3
This release resolved a bug that was causing the application to crash when a user paused a tracker.
May 10, 2023
CasePortal version 1.138.1
CasePortal now has collections! Users can create and manage collections of cases. Stay tuned for sharing collections.
CasePortal version 1.137.0
This release included an update to how the application handles case records and accompanying documents in opinions behind the scenes.
May 5, 2023
CasePortal version 1.136.0
This release updated how offices are listed in firm management. The default order is now alphabetical.
May 4, 2023
CasePortal version 1.135.0
This release standardized all tables in CasePortal to have up to 100 rows, allowing users to move quickly through data sets.
CasePortal version 1.134.1
This release included an update to the advanced court selector in the civil litigation and opinions libraries. Circuit courts now have their own section and can be selected one at a time or by all.
April 27, 2023
CasePortal version 1.133.0
This release included minor UI improvements.
April 26, 2023
CasePortal version 1.132.0
This release included an update to CNS Reports and now all users can view a list of past reports and users with administrative privileges, as previously released, can manage recipients and resend past reports.
CasePortal version 1.131.0
This release included a body of work in support of an upcoming feature that will allow users to create and share a collection of cases.
April 19, 2023
CasePortal version 1.130.0
This release addressed an issue when users attempted to update the docket sheet of a case in a court that was no longer active in the system. Instead of displaying a validation error, the user will now see a message indicating that the court is no longer being actively covered and further updates are not available.
April 16, 2023
CasePortal version 1.128.0
This release updated the way errors are presented to the user when a dinger or tracker creation fails or in the instance that a search produces no results due to a bad query.
April 14, 2023
CasePortal version 1.127.2
This release included updates made in support of a forthcoming administrative feature set related to purchase history. Stay tuned!
April 13, 2023
CasePortal version 1.126.0
This release included updates made in support of a forthcoming feature set related to billing. Stay tuned!
April 6, 2023
CasePortal version 1.125.0
This release resolved a bug that was preventing users with administrative access from viewing the services page of offices belonging to certain firms.
CasePortal version 1.124.0
In instances where docket sheets are updated manually, the update docket feature will be disabled.
April 5, 2023
CasePortal version 1.123.1
Advanced filters can now be applied to a Bankruptcy library search. Users can filter their search query in the following ways:
- By one or more courts
- By one or more petitioners
- By one or more creditors
- By liabilities range
- By assets range
In addition to the above update, users can copy a direct link to an opinion or share a case via email. Additional details have been added to the case details view: city, state and nature of suit (where applicable).
April 2, 2023
CasePortal version 1.121.0
This release introduced a detailed breakdown of user statuses for those with administrative privileges.
March 30, 2023
CasePortal version 1.120.0
This release focused on courts that submit paper case files as opposed to electronic. The impact on CasePortal is as follows:
- If a docket sheet has an existing entry, the update docket function will not be available as no further updates to the docket sheet will be made
- If no docket sheet exists, users can request a manual update to receive a complaint PDF
- If another user has already made a manual request for a PDF of a complaint, the pending request will be visible in the docket sheet section of a specific case so that a redundant request cannot be made
March 27, 2023
CasePortal version 1.119.0
This release removed a redundant administrative page for firms on a Jumbo plan.
March 24, 2023
CasePortal version 1.118.1
Advanced search tips for all 3 libraries in CasePortal have been further updated with examples of combined complex queries.
March 22, 2023
CasePortal version 1.117.0
This release involved an update to a soon to be released feature. Stay tuned!
CasePortal version 1.116.0
Users with administrative privileges can now do the following with CNS Reports:
- View the number of times a report was sent over the past 60 days
- Preview a specific report that was sent and see the cases included and the recipients of that report
- Export cases that were included in a specific report
- Resend a specific report to one or more recipients
March 16, 2023
CasePortal version 1.115.0
This release included further updates to the search tips for the Bankruptcy library.
March 15, 2023
CasePortal version 1.114.1
This release included the following:
- Bankruptcy files, if available, can be downloaded directly from the search results, both card and table views
- An update was made to the performance of filters across CasePortal
March 13, 2023
CasePortal version 1.113.0
Users can now name their Trackers making them easier to identify and locate. In addition, users with administrative permissions have the ability to universally hide deleted users and offices.
March 3, 2023
CasePortal version 1.111.3
This release resolved a bug that was causing the application to crash when users attempted to update the docket sheet of a given case.
CasePortal version 1.111.2
This update included a minor update to how scrollbars present in certain modals.
March 2, 2023
CasePortal version 1.111.0
This release included the following:
- Users can now select "all time" from the quick pick date range when searching all of CasePortal's libraries
- A minor update to bulk actions in the user management module that enables only actions that can be applied to the entire set of selected users and disables actions that cannot be applied
CasePortal version 1.110.0
This release added billing reference fields to the "create dinger" modal.
February 27, 2023
CasePortal version 1.108.1
This release included the following:
- The search tips for all of CasePortal's libraries are easier to find and use. The link to access the search tips has moved from inside the search input box to above it
- Introductory text has been added to further aid users when using the search libraries
- Quick actions are quicker! For example, when clicking "Track" from the search results view, users no longer have to close the case details panel after creating a Tracker
February 17, 2023
CasePortal version 1.106.0
This release included a minor update to a feature set currently in progress but not yet live. Stay tuned!
February 16, 2023
CasePortal version 1.105.0
The search tips for all of CasePortal's libraries have been updated to better guide users in their searches.
CasePortal version 1.104.0
The case details panel now includes options to copy a direct link to that case or share that case via email with other CasePortal users.
CasePortal version 1.103.0
Firm Admins can now customize both optional and required billing fields for when users download documents, setup dingers and trackers, or run docket sheet updates.
February 15, 2023
CasePortal version 1.101.2
Reports are Live! Users with permissions can now manage recipients of CNS Reports from CasePortal.
February 3, 2023
CasePortal version 1.101.1
This release included minor improvements and a bug fix, wherein clicking "track" in the table view of search results did not load the "create a tracker" modal.
February 2, 2023
CasePortal version 1.100.0
This release added the ability for creators of a given dinger to remove themselves from the email distribution list as long as there is at least one remaining recipient. This allows for users to create a dinger on behalf of or for the benefit of other users, but not be tied to the emails related to that dinger going forward.
CasePortal version 1.99.0
CasePortal now has Private Dingers! Users can designate any new or existing dinger they have created to be a private dinger. Private Dingers only appear in the Dinger feed to the creator and the recipients.
January 30, 2023
CasePortal version 1.98.0
This release updated how some attributes were being captured in the civil litigation database.
January 24, 2023
CasePortal version 1.97.0
This release included work in preparation for features related to CNS Reports for user roles Office Admin and higher. Stay tuned!
January 22, 2023
CasePortal version 1.96.0
This release included an update to the search tips for the Bankruptcies library.
January 16, 2023
CasePortal version 1.95.0
This release included a minor update to the look + feel of the history section on the home page.
January 05, 2023
CasePortal version 1.93.0
The CasePortal home page has a new section: NEWS. Users can stay up to date with top stories directly from CasePortal.
January 03, 2023
CasePortal version 1.90.0
This release introduced minor improvements to Office Management for Firm and Office Admins.
December 20, 2022
CasePortal version 1.89.0
This release included a minor update to the search and results logic.
CasePortal version 1.88.0
This release resolved a small bug related to incorrect data being displayed when table columns are hidden/shown.
CasePortal version 1.87.0
This release included some minor usability improvements.
December 19, 2022
CasePortal version 1.84.1
This release resolved a bug that wasn't updating the Docket sheet information when users scrolled from case to case.
CasePortal version 1.84.0
This release included some minor usability improvements.
December 8, 2022
CasePortal version 1.83.1
This release resolved a bug that was disabling certain courts from being selected during Dinger creation.
CasePortal version 1.83.0
This release included addressed some usability improvements.
December 7, 2022
CasePortal version 1.82.0
This release resolved a small bug that was displaying an incorrect number of users within a firm.
CasePortal version 1.81.1
This release introduced minor improvements to User Management for Firm Admins.
December 5, 2022
CasePortal version 1.79.0
This release introduced a card view for the Bankruptcy library.
CasePortal version 1.78.0
Office and Firm Admins can apply bulk actions in the User Management section. This allows management to quickly update the status, user role and location of multiple users at once.
CasePortal version 1.77.0
This release standardized the rendering of dates across the platform and added the ability for Firm Admins to set registration preferences for users within their firm.
November 23, 2022
CasePortal version 1.76.0
This release included improvements to the targetable fields in CasePortal's Judicial Opinions search.
November 21, 2022
CasePortal version 1.75.1
This release included some data cleanup as well as some minor updates to the Opinions views.
November 9, 2022
CasePortal version 1.74.0
Users with certain permissions can view, create and modify Bankruptcy dingers.
November 8, 2022
CasePortal version 1.73.2
This release included some minor usability improvements.
November 4, 2022
CasePortal version 1.71.4
This release resolved a bug that was preventing the calendar widget to work when the user was accessing the application via Safari.
November 2, 2022
CasePortal version 1.71.1
This release resolved a bug that was causing CasePortal to crash when a user accessed the application using Safari.
October 27, 2022
CasePortal version 1.71.0
Office and Firm Admins can view a list of all subscribed, previously subscribed and expired services.
October 26, 2022
CasePortal version 1.69.1
This release resolved a minor bug that was causing firm office data to display incorrectly.
CasePortal version 1.69.0
The CasePortal Bankruptcy Library is live! Users can now conduct searches of bankruptcy filings.
October 21, 2022
CasePortal version 1.67.0
This release included a few minor updates for users with certain permissions.
October 13, 2022
CasePortal version 1.66.0
Users can now quickly clear filters wherever applicable.
October 7, 2022
CasePortal version 1.65.1
This release resolved a bug that was causing dinger recipients lists to update even when an error was generated.
October 5, 2022
CasePortal version 1.64.0
CasePortal has a new home page!
Example of CasePortal's new home page
From the new home page, users can quickly access CasePortal's civil litigation and judicial opinions libraries. The home page also lists the user's recently viewed cases and downloads, so the user can conveniently pick up where they left off.
September 28, 2022
CasePortal version 1.63.0
This release of CasePortal gives users the option to quickly scroll through both dingers and trackers within the details panel. Additionally a docket link has been added to the tracker list view to allow users quick access to case details.
September 15, 2022
CasePortal version 1.61.0
This release allows users with certain permissions to bulk update the recipients of custom reports.
CasePortal version 1.60.0
This release included several usability improvements.
September 14, 2022
CasePortal version 1.59.3
This release included updates for users with certain privileges to manage reports and updated a bug related to the date picker.
September 8, 2022
CasePortal version 1.58.0
This release addressed a handful of bugs:
- Incorrect Docket Date - Now dockets display the correct "filed on" date, previously the date was being transformed to the user's time zone which was causing incorrect dates to display
- Issues with Sorting Search Results - Clicking on a column header was "breaking" the search results. Now only sortable column headers are clickable
- Regular Users Granted Edit Privileges - Regular Users were able to modify Trackers that they did not create. Now Regular Users can only modify Trackers that they have created
- Update Tracker Button Clickable Before Changes Are Made - If you went to update a previously created Tracker, the Update Tracker button was ready to be clicked even before you made any changes