If you are new to searching cases in CasePortal, please read Introduction to Searching for Cases first.
All case libraries in CasePortal use a single search field to support simple keyword searches and advanced search queries (using Lucene Query Syntax).
For guidance on how to target specific fields in each library using search commands, please see the related articles linked below.
What I want to do |
How to do it |
Example Query |
Search for one term or another |
Apply the OR operator. This is the default operator. |
google OR apple will return matches with either Google or Apple or both |
Search for one term and another |
Apply the AND operator |
google AND alphabet will only return matches with both values |
Search a phrase |
Add quotations around the phrase (") |
"google inc." will only return results that include both keywords |
Target values in a specific field |
Use the search command for that field followed by a colon (:) and the value |
def:google will only search the defendant field and return results that match google as the defendant. See related articles for a complete list of search commands by library |
Apply operators when targeting multiple values in a specific field |
Use the property name followed by a colon (:) then group terms together using parentheses () |
def:(google OR alphabet) |
Search for variable endings of a root word |
Apply a wildcard using asterisk (*) |
educat* will match educate, educated, educating, education, and so on. Wildcards do not work inside quotations (") |
Search for words with possible misspellings or variations |
Apply the fuzzyness operator (~) |
rise~ will match risk, rising, risen, rose, and so on |
Search for words that are close together (“proximity search”) |
Use the tilde (~) symbol at the end of a phrase |
"Carole Sage"~3 will search for "Carole" and "Sage" within 3 words of each other |
Apply operators when targeting multiple values in more than one specific field |
Group terms together using parentheses ( ) and operators like AND or OR |
(google OR alphabet) AND (samsung OR sony) |
Exclude certain keywords or phrases |
Apply the NOT or AND NOT operator |
def:Apple AND NOT def:"Apple Inc." |
Combine the actions above to create a complex query |
Use the example queries above to guide you |
"class action" AND def:(Google OR "Alphabet Inc.") AND plaint:(Samsung* OR Apple~) |