Exact matching only works when you target values in specific fields, NOT when you enter a general ("all fields") query. A complete list of fields that support exact matching is listed below, by case library.


Exact matching only returns matches when the entire value of the field matches exactly with the provided value. Except for the summary field, exact match searches are case sensitive. 

For example, let’s suppose we have a plaintiff value of “John Doe.” Here are some queries and examples of what would be returned if exact matching is turned on:

  • plaint:John - this would not return any results, as “John” does not exactly match the value of “John Doe”

  • plaint:"john doe" - this would not return any results as "john doe" does not exactly match "John Doe" 

  • plaint:"John  Doe" - this would not return any results due to the extra space between "John" and "Doe"

  • plaint:"John Doe" - this query would return all cases where the entered plaintiff value exactly matches “John Doe”

Below are examples of what will be found if we target plaint:"john doe" and exact matching is not turned on. 

  • "John Doe"

  • "John doe"
  • "john doe"
  • "JoHn dOe"


When exact matching is not on, you can also generate partial results. Using the example above, additional results might include:

  • “John Doe Smith” 

  • “Someone jOhN dOe Smith” 


Supported fields by library

Civil Litigation

  • casenum
  • city
  • courtname
  • def
  • deflaw
  • deflawfirm
  • judge
  • plaint
  • plaintlaw
  • plaintlawfirm
  • state
  • summ (is not case sensitive, will return partial matches)


  • casenum
  • city
  • creditor
  • courtname
  • debtor
  • judge
  • petlaw
  • petlawfirm
  • state


  • casenum
  • cat
  • cause
  • city
  • courtname
  • def
  • judge
  • plaint
  • subcourt
  • state